Development of Biosorption Filters for Industrial Wastewater Detoxification and Heavy Metal Recovery
EU Program: CRAFT
Coordinator: Regas Santas
Contract #: BRST-CT98-5510, DG-XII
Status: Completed
Year: 1998
Duration: 24 months
EU contact person: Dr. Klaus Kögler, DG-XII
Partners: Electrometal, S.A., Athens, Greece; Livingston Precision Engineering, Ltd, Livingston, Scotland; A. Bizanios, Athens, Greece; W.H. Greaves, S.A., Sheffield, England; Geopolimeri, Srl., Vicenza, Italy.
Project objectives
- to determine the cation exchange capacity of different biomass types,
- to investigate biomass regeneration procedures,
- to examine metal recovery possibilities, and
- to produce column filters for the removal of heavy metals from electroplating waste waters.
Brief project description
A novel technology for industrial wastewater detoxification and heavy metal recovery is currently being developed. Industrial sectors that will benefit from this technology include electroplating and surface finishing operations, tanneries, photographic laboratories, etc. The technology relies on the ability of processed biomass to remove heavy metals from aqueous solutions. After processing, the biomass is packed into columns and metal removal is optimised in four test sites (workplaces). Column regeneration and metal recovery procedures are also being established.