Δημοσιεύσεις της OikoTechnics
- SANTAS, R., A. KORDA, A. TENENTE, K. BUCHHOLZ and PH. SANTAS 1999: Mesocosm assays of oil spill bioremediation with oleophilic fertilizers: Inipol, F1 or both? Mar. Poll. Bull. 38 (1): 44-48.
- SANTAS, Ph., SANTAS, R. and FROHLICH, H. 1999: Biologischer Abbau von Rohol mit modifiziertem Fischmehldunger und allochthonen Bakterienstammen. TerraTech 2, 59-63.
- HÄDER, D.-P., PORST M. and R. SANTAS 1998: Photoinhibition by solar radiation in the Mediterranean alga Peyssonelia squamata measured on site. Plant Ecol. 139: 167-175.
- SANTAS, R., KORDA, A, CH. LIANOU and PH. SANTAS 1998a: Community responses to UV Radiation: I. Enhanced UVB effects on productivity and community structure of filamentous algal assemblages growing in a coral reef mesocosm. Mar. Biol. 131: 153-162.
- SANTAS, R., SANTAS, PH., KORDA, A, and CH. LIANOU 1998b: Community responses to UV radiation: II. effects of solar UVB on field-grown diatom assemblages of the Carribean. Mar. Biol. 131: 163-171.
- KORDA, A., PH. SANTAS, A. TENENTE and R. SANTAS 1997: Petroleum hydrocarbon bioremediation: sampling and analytical techniques, in situ treatments and commercial bacteria currently used. Appl. Microb. Biotechnol. 48: 677-686.
- PORST M., H. HERRMANN, J. SCHAFER, and R. SANTAS, HÄDER, D.-P., 1997: Photoinhibition in the Mediterranean green alga Acetabularia mediterranea measured in the field under solar irradiation. J. Plant Physiol., 151 (1): 25-32.
- SANTAS, R., A. KOUSSOULAKI, and D.-P. HÄDER, 1997: In assessing biological UV-B effects, natural fluctuations of solar radiation should be taken into account. Plant Ecol. 128: 93-97.
- SANTAS, R. D. DANIELIDES, and C. LIANOU, 1997: UV-B radiation and depth interaction during primary succession of marine diatom assemblages of Greece. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42 (5): 986-991.
- HÄDER, D.-P., H. HERRMANN, J. SCHAFER, and R. SANTAS, 1997: Photosynthetic fluorescence induction and oxygen production in two Mediterranean Cladophora species measured on site. Aqua. Bot., 56: 253-264.
- HÄDER, D.-P., M. PORST, H. HERRMANN, J. SCHAFER, and R. SANTAS, 1997: Photosynthesis in the Mediterranean green alga Caulerpa prolifera measured in the field under solar radiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol., 37: 66-73.
- GEORGIOU, Z., R. SANTAS, I. FLESSOURAS, and E. ZIMALIS, 1996: Blood cadmium concentrations in non-professionally exposed citizens of Athens. In Biology and Medicine, vol. 4, eds. J. Anastassopoulou, Ph Collery, J. Etiene, J. Libbey Eurotext Paris; pp: 602-605.
- SANTAS, R., D.-P. HÄDER, and C. LIANOU, 1996. Effects of solar UV radiation on diatom assemblages of the Mediterranean. Photochem. Photobiol., 64(3): 435-439.
- HÄDER, D.-P., H. HERRMANN, and R. SANTAS, 1996: "Effects of solar radiation and solar radiation deprived of UV-B and total UV on photosynthetic oxygen production and pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence in the brown alga Padina pavonia; FEMS Microb. Ecol. 19, 53-61.
- HÄDER, D.-P., H. HERRMANN, J. SCHAFER, and R. SANTAS, 1996a: Photosynthetic fluorescence induction and oxygen production in Corallinacean algae measured on site. Bot. Acta, 109: 285-291.
- HÄDER, D.-P., M. PORST, H. HERRMANN, J. SCHAFER, and R. SANTAS, 1996: Photoinhibition in the Mediterranean green alga Halimeda tuna Ellis et Sol measured in situ. Photochem. Photobiol., 64(3): 428-434.
- KOUSSOULAKI, K., DANIELIDIS D., HÄDER. D.-P., and SANTAS, R., 1997: Assessment of Euglena gracilis as a biological dosimeter for solar UVA and UVB under field conditions. 1st Internet J. of Photoch. Photobiol. www.photobiology.com
- TZATCHEV, K., MARINOV, B., NIKOLOV, A., SANTAS, R., ATANASOVA, B. and LAZAROVA, L. Blood lead concentration in whole blood from umbilical cord of newborn infants and their mothers. Balkan J. Clin. Lab.
- SANTAS, R.,DONAT-P HÄDER and PH. SANTAS, 1999: Is Crude Oil Bioremediation Affected by Changes in Ambient Ultraviolet Radiation? Mar. Pol. Bull., 38(11): 1022-1025.
- SANTAS, R., D. DANIELIDIS, K. KOUSSOULAKI, M. PROST, PH. SANTAS, and D.-P. HÄDER, 1999: The Role of Solar UV on the Development of Macroalgal Assemblages of Greece. J. Photoch. Photobiol.
- REIZOPOULOU, S., SANTAS, PH., HÄDER, D.-P. and SANTAS, R., 2000: UV effects on invertebrate and diatom assemblages of Greece. J. Photoch. Photobiol., 56: 172-180.
- SANTAS, R., and PH. SANTAS, 2000: Effects Of Wave Action On The Bioremediation Of Crude Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons. Mar. Pol. Bull.B., 40(5): 434-439.
- VERVERIS, C., K. GEORGHIOU, N. CHRISTODOULAKIS, PH. SANTAS, and R. SANTAS, 2003: Fiber dimensions, lignin and cellulose content of various plant materials and their suitability for paper production. Ind. Crops Prod., 19: 245-254.
- VERVERIS, C., K. GEORGHIOU, D. DANIELIDIS, D. G. HATZINIKOLAOU, P. SANTAS, R. SANTAS, and V. CORELETI, 2007: Cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin and ash content of some organic materials and their suitability for use as paper pulp supplements. Bioresource Technology, 98: 296-301.
- SANTAS, Ph., 1986: Soil communities along a gradient of urbanization. Rev. Ecol. Biol. du Sol, 23(4): 367-380.
- LOUTSETI, S., DANIELIDIS, D. B., ECONOMOU-AMILLI, A. KATSAROS, CH., SANTAS, R. SANTAS, Ph., 2008: The application of a micro-algal/bacterial biofilter for the detoxification of copper and cadmium metal wastes. Bioresource Technology, 100 (2009): 2099-2105.
- VERVERIS, C., CHRISTODOULAKIS, N.S., SANTAS, R., SANTAS, Ph, and GEORGHIOU, K., 2016: Effects of municipal sludge and treated wastewater on biomass yield and fiber properties of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.). Industrial Crops and Products 84 (2016): 7-12.
- SANTAS, R., A. KOUSSOULAKI, and D.-P. HÄDER, 1997: In assessing biological UV-B effects, natural fluctuations of solar radiation should be taken into account. In: UV-B and Biosphere. Ed. J. Rozema, W.W.C. Gieskes, S.C. van de Geijn, C. Nolan and H. de Boois, 93-97.
- SANTAS, R., 1997: Solar UV effects on benthic marine algal assemblages - three case studies. In: Effects of Ozone Depletion on Aquatic Ecosystems. Ed. D.-P. Hader, R.G. Landes Co., Georgetown, Texas. pp. 215-228.
- SANTAS, R., 1995: Solar UV Effects on algal assemblages of the Caribbean and the Mediterrenean Seas. In: "Solar ultraviolet radiation: Modeling, measurements and effects". Ch. Zerefos and A.F. Bais eds. NATO ASI SEeries, Vol. I-52. pp. 233-250.
- SANTAS, Ph., and SANTAS, R. 1994: "Status of Sea-Borne Bioremediation Technologies." In: "Handbook of Bioremediation", Wise, D.L. and D.J. Trantolo, eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc.; pp. 333-353.
- SANTAS, R., and SANTAS, Ph. 2000: Mesocosm and Field Assays of Oil Spill Bioremediation. In: "Bioremediation of Contaminated soils.", Wise, D.L., D.J. Trantolo, E.J. Cichon and H.I. Inyang, eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc.C.; pp. 383-391.
- MORRIS, M.W., AMMONS J.T., and SANTAS, Ph., 1980: Evidence for subsurface translocation of ceramic artifacts in a vertisol in Eastern Crete, Greece. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Pedo-Archaeology, edited by A.C. Goodyear, J.E. Foss, and K. E. Sassaman. p. 41-51, Anthropology Studies 10, Occasional Papers of the South Carolina Institute of Arcaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia.
- THRASYVOULIDES Α., P. SANTAS, E. MAVRAKI, D. DANIELIDIS & R. SANTAS, 2000: Evaluation of Heavy Metal Biosorption on Posidonia Oceanica Biomass for Industrial Wastewater Detoxification. Proceedings 22th Panhellenic Meeting of HSBS, Skiathos Island, May 25-28, pp. 93-94.
- SANTAS, R., D. DANIELIDIS, K. KOUSSOULAKI, M. PROST, PH. SANTAS, and D.-P. HÄDER, 1999: The Role of Solar UV on the Development of Macroalgal Assemblages of Greece. J. Photoch. Photobiol.
- REIZOPOULOU, S., SANTAS, PH., HÄDER, D.-P. and SANTAS, R. 1999: UV Effects on invertebrate and diatom assemblages of Saronikos Gulf, Greece. 2nd Internet J. of Photoch. Photobiol. www.photobiology.com
- PORST M., SANTAS, R., and D.-P. HÄDER, 1997: Photoinhibition in mediterranean algae measured in the field under solar irradiation. Proc. of 7th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Stresa, Italy.
- SANTAS, R., and Ph. SANTAS, 1997: "Assessment of solar UV radiation on field-grown mesocosm communities of Saronicos Gulf, Greece." In: Nolan, C.V and Hader, D.P. (eds.) 'Role of solar UV-B radiaton on ecosystems'; Science Research Development; European Commission; Directorate-General Science, Research and Development Ecosystems research report No. 30; 100-120
- SANTAS, P., A. KORDA, A. TENENTE, and R. SANTAS, 1997: "Simulated in situ oil bioremediation on beach sediments of Saronikos Gulf, Greece." ISEB '97 Meeting Bioremediation, Leipzig, Germany.
- SANTAS, R., A. KORDA, A. TENENTE, E. GIDARAKOS, K. BUCHHOLZ and Ph. SANTAS, 1997: "Mesocosm assays of oil spill bioremediation." Battelle Press, Proc. of 4th Int. In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, vol. 4, 445-450, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- A. KORDA, A. TENENTE, Ph. SANTAS, E. GIDARAKOS, M. GUILLERME and SANTAS, R. 1997: "Biological remediation of oil spills of the Saronikos Gulf, Greece." Battelle Press, Proc. of 4th Int. In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, vol. 4, 451-456, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- GEORGIOU, Z., K. TSATCHEV, R. SANTAS, and E. ZIMALIS (1996): Cadmium and Lead Blood Reference Values. 1st Panhellenic Conference of Clinical Chemistry (Χημικά Χρονικά), p-23.
- SANTAS, R., 1995: Solar UV Effects on Algal Assemblages. Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Chalkidiki, Greece.
- SANTAS, R., D. DANIELIDES and Ph. SANTAS, 1993: "Algal turf scrubber: a promising eco-technology for polishing waste water treatment plant effluent." Proc. of 1st Int. HELECO Conf, vol. 1, 303-308, Athens, Greece.
- SANTAS, Ph., D. DANIELIDES, and R. SANTAS, 1993: Removal of heavy metals from industrial and municipal waste waters using an Algal Turf Scrubber; HELECO Conf.; vol. 3, 178-183, Athens, Greece.
- TZATCHEV, K., MARINOV, B., NIKOLOV, A., SANTAS, R., ATANASOVA, B. and LAZAROVA, L.: Blood lead concentration in whole blood of newborn infants and their mothers. Proc. 5th Meeting Balkan Clin. Lab. Fed. p. 93. Ioannina, Greece, Oct. 1997.
- SANTAS, R., A. THRASYVOULIDES, and PH. SANTAS, 2001: L'evoluzione della tecnologia nella filiera carta. Convegno annuale Aticelca. p. 83-86.
- ΣΑΝΤΑΣ, Φ. Για το νερό οι πόλεμοι του μέλλοντος. Οικονομικός Ταχυδρόμος. 19/8/2000.
- Η μαύρη κηλίδα των ελληνικών θαλασσών. ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ. 18/8/1996.